Sales Management
Streamline your Company Sales with Custom quotations, accurate forecasts, recurring billing and integrated modules.
Product Overview
The Sales management module enables the sales department to exercise better control over the Sales Process. You can easily create a new sales order for your acquired opportunities through the module.
It also allows you to filter Sales Orders for different criteria that have been interlinked with your emails. Invoices can be directly submitted from the system allowing you to achieve quicker follow ups, hence increasing customer retention in the audit trail.

Create a Robust Sales Process
Create Custom Quotations
Manage Orders & Contracts
Manage products & Prices
Improve Internal Communication
Intuitive Reporting
Sales Management is especially beneficial for small and medium trade companies to manage all their processes in terms of sales, purchases, stocks and accounting. Sales Quotations can be sent in just a few clicks. Quotations can be converted to sales orders and invoices on a single screen.
Custom quote templates can be easily created in no time. Payment terms can be managed by customer or by invoice. The quality of your sales can be improved by utilizing intuitive dashboards, great quotations and several more smart features on the Sales Management module.

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